Rockaway Park NY 11694 * 01 January 2019 * "For God Republic and Society."
Stave I

Old Marley was dead, and there wasn`t a doubt.
Of Scrooge it was said, "What a miserly lout."
But Marley decided to help his old friend.
Though long since departed, mistakes he`d amend.

Stave II

When on Christmas Eve an appearance he made,
Scrooge wouldn`t believe he had seen Marley`s shade.
So Marley asserted, "I`ll send you some proof.
Before night`s deserted – a trio of spooks."

Stave III

The first made his entrance when church bell struck one
With hair all disheveled and looking quite dumb.
"Your past we`ll revisit, and if you`ve a mind
To be so inquis`tive, my name`s Larry Fine."

Stave IV

"Too seriously were you raised as a boy.
You seldom experienced moments of joy.
So slowly I turn, step by step, inch by inch,
Until you have learned fun of having nose pinched."

Stave V

But visit from Larry had not the effect
Of making Scrooge vary from Destiny`s wreck.
When two o`clock struck on the church bell outside,
Scrooge woke to the nyukking of someone nearby.

Stave VI

"Come into the parlor and look upon me.
You mustn`t time squander lest doomed ‘soitenly`.
I live in the present and Curly`s my name.
I make Christmas pleasant. Will you do the same?"

Stave VII

"If hardened your heart is to Christmas Day yet,
Once I have departed, the next ghost you`ll dread.
I`ll leave you in Christmas`s loving embrace
With my parting gift – it`s a pie in the face."

Stave VIII

Alone in the nighttime, alone in the cold,
Scrooge warily sighted third spirit foretold.
Although veiled in darkness, still Scrooge was aware
Of spirit the smartest with bowl-coiffured hair.

Stave IX

Though spirit said nothing, oozed aura of woe.
Scrooge thought he heard something that sounded like "Moe."
Scrooge realized the future about to observe
Was one he`d be sure to have really deserved.

Stave X

If tried to mood lighten by making a joke,
Scrooge quickly was smitten by double eye poke.
No messing around – this was serious stuff.
He`d lie underground – there`s no calling his bluff.

Stave XI

Moe gave him a head knock then faded away.
Scrooge woke when the clock struck at dawn Christmas Day.
Moe, Larry and Curly took only one night
To turn Scrooge from surly to kind and contrite.

Stave XII

And so for you Scrooges who grumble and curse,
Best heed the Three Stooges; next trio is worse.
One tinkles the ivories, another the harp.
The last hawks fake jewelry with piercing tongue sharp.

J.D. Collins: The Legend of John Wobamason

I have been asked by Chuck Black a friend on Facebook to tell the story of John Wobamason. Really there isn't much to tell. In times spoken of, John was then an amiable 14 year old boy, well liked by his peers and competitors on the ice. The real story is about Ngamba Wobamason, his father, then, in the immediate post 9-11 period, a foreigner employed at the UN.

I went to the teller's cage in the darkened entrance to the Rink mouthing to myself, `Couldn't my son Peanut have picked a less expensive sport then ice hockey?' I turned around. A man standing behind me was laughing. "I'm sorry," I told him. "I hadn't realized I could be overheard."

Behind me stood a rather average sized man, too short and too thin to be an American black. Chuckling in a lyrical sing song West African accent, the gentlemen chanted in days rich melodic tone, "yes, it does seem that hockey training draws in boys from the social register. Throw in some constables' lads." Pausing for an instant, he rejoined with a sly smile, "- and you know where that money comes from."

"I guess that it's a universal rule that the police are honorary members of the social register," I quipped back.

"I'm Ngumba Wobamason, John's father," the man identified himself. He held out his hand. His face was so dark that he in his black suit blended into the black tile and darkened walls of the dimly let entrance to the rink.

"Yes, I know," I acknowledged Mr. Wobamason, "you're from Sri Leone, former British colony. You work at the UN."

"An ice rick is like the UN General Assembly," Mr. Wobamason chuckled, "those are no secrets."

Pausing as if undecided whether to ask, while we nodded politely at each other.

"I have heard," Mr. Wobamason hesitantly begun, "you are a veteran -US Army-so I have heard."

I nodded.

Mr. Wobamason continued, "what do you think of the war on terror?"

I liked to sidestep that question whenever it came up. "It would seem that lately the US people are in the process of reconnecting with the American veteran."

"Only an attorney could come up with such an answer to quite a simple question." Came the reply.

"Like you said, Mr. Wobamason, apparently there are no more secrets in the ice rink than there are in a court house," I remained cheerful as I carefully phrased my reply.

"I'm told you're not much of a politician. You speak your mind," Mr. Wobamason added deliberately, "fearlessly."

"You are a foreigner married to an American," I replied, "I choose not to unnecessarily give offence."

"Perhaps," Mr. Wobamason cheerfully proposed," I just need to know - to advice my government."

"Ok, straight from the hip." Staring him in the face, I challenged Mr Wobamason, "Is that what you want?

Receiving a nodded I replied, "I'm against it, without qualification."

"Against?" The sing - song im his voice trilled with surprise.

"Do you want to fight Muslims?" I asked, "Take your boy out in the backyard teach him bayonette drill. Take your daughter down the basement teach her rolling bandages."

Mr. Wobamason's eyes widened so greatly to me it seemed they let the entire darkened corridor.

I continued, "And you have to call back the dear old grads like me to teach the young - ens how not to get caught doing war crimes. And since we already ran out of the voluntary man power on 9-11 by 11am, we have to find new people. Use the police to drag in people to `volunteer.' You're from a different former British colony: The Brits call it `recruiting by the traditional method.'"

His mouth fell open a red tongue hung out.

"And by the way," I added, "we got to get a leader who doesn't piss his pants and run away like the Bush did on 9-11."

"My god." Mr. Wobamason cried.

"Do you want to know anything else?" I asked. "Like how are we going to treat the GIs returned with missing limbs and brains scrambled like eggs? In Vietnam, as unpopular as that war was, many of the women in the VA facilities and military hospitals were unpaid volunteers. Who do you have today?"

"In my country you'd be already in jail." Mr. Wobamason declared.

"I have no wish to detain you from the country you love the best." I replied.

We parted without further words. I don't believe Mr. Wobamason and I ever spoke again. Did he head for the gate whenever he saw me? I'm not sure.

James Davies, Lord Woodbury: SOLSTICE MENTORIAL: A Mentorial Moment

Greetings Dean

Greetings in the Fulosia! I approach the Solstice Mentorial with some reservation. The Dean has flatly refused to hear out the Mentor's political discourses and has limited the Mentor's discussion of religion. The Dean's pretext is that there is simply no point in discussing differences which cannot be resolved. As such the Dean does not wish to give offence.

The Dean leaves the Mentor free to submit his own mentorials in writing, but the Dean declines to string together the Mentor's isolated political epigrammes expressed in Audiogrammes into a coherent Mentorial.

I am shocked to the core, Lord Dean, at the revelation that the Dean lacks the slightest interest in Mentorial pronouncements on health and nutrition, but indulges the Mentor in order to encourage the Mentor to pursue courses toward a degree in Natural Medicine. I am cheered however on hearing the Dean's remark that the Mentor's intransigence on applying "ill serves humanity," as much as I suspect the Dean excludes the Mouselm, dreamers and democrats from inclusion in that term.

Well, my point today is the Mentorial moment. There are many moments: The Third Moment which the Dean sees as ending our era; the Mandella moment which represents a reality shift into an alternative universe; a Senior Moment which indicates a failing memory and now there is a Mentorial Moment in which a happy ending results from misperception of appearances and intents.

Recently, I experienced a Mentorial moment. Bowing to my liberal and humanitarian instincts, I attended a touchy - feely White Libera event in which Y U P P I E S paid $25 to dress up like homeless and camp out in the park. A fully permitted tent city was erected near the restrooms which were left open all night.

When the Mentor came upon the encampment, he was greeted warmly as a bona fide member of the untermenchen. Now, I do admit that the great merchant seaman of the past, the iron men in wooden craft, had once enjoyed had a certain affinity with the homeless lifestyle, although the pay - chart probably more favorably compares I concede with the professional elite. Immediately admitted to the encampment as one of the very class for whose deliverance that the worthy White Liberals had gathered to emote, the Mentor stuffed with hot dogs and hamburgers, was asked to opine on the realism of the little tent city.

Oh, I admit a great deal of verisimilitude with the homeless life style through a great deal of personal experience during the many years of my seamanship. Though to most perhaps in the hearty caste of merchant seaman it's just a job, I undertook the lifestyle of a seaman of an earlier age when a Federal Court, as a point of legal policy, declared that a seaman could not be separated from his dram of grog. Often, more often perhaps than I care to admit, I ended up in `The Residence' between voyages dependent on the good will of seaman's societies. The Society however was a bit extreme when it described me as lost in someone else's dream.

"Well," sayeth the Mentor as he thought aloud in response to the Y U P P I E's pressing enquiries, "I notice the restrooms have been left open in the park tonight." Advised that as part of the permitting process the white liberals had paid to keep the comfort facilities open, the Mentor observed that "generally, homeless must find a quiet spot in the shadows in which they might relieve themselves-out of sight of the official police."

Hmm the White Liberals thought carefully, as the Mentor explained, "Indeed, it would be difficult for a group of homeless to gather en masse in so great an encampment. So many massed together would invite the attention of the police with whirling batons to rout the homeless." Stunned my inquisitors beseeched me about b - b - q - ing homeless style. My response did not satisfy them. "Any fire would have to be small close to the ground but even that would risk attracting unnecessary attention from police and other predators." To inquiries about their attire, I replied that many homeless would regard the ragged torn and soiled garments as accoutrements typically worn by undercover police prowling for drugs and other criminal activity among the homeless. "Homeless people try to keep their clothing in good order. Stitching may be irregular, patches may not exactly match, but the integrity of the garment must be preserved to protect the body from the elements."

I held my audience enrapt with my answers until the parkies came by to shut the rest rooms. At that fires were slaked, tents were struck and the imitation homeless wandered home buoyed by the feel good feeling of having done good by feeding the Mentor.

On that note I bid you a Most Cheery Cherio, Cherio, Dean, Cherio
Dr James Davies, Lord Woodburry,


FK em all, FK em all
FK the democrats
who won't build the wall
FK their ward heelers
and corrupt liberal MCs
FK all the mayors
of sancturay cities

FK em all FK em all
FK big bird deBlaz
standing tall
FK lil andy
and his duplicity
FK Representative Cortez
of Bronx County

FK em all FK em all
FK the dreamers
breaking the law
FK all their bastards
breeding with fecundity
FK Senator Chunky
and Elizabeth Warren
FK all the friends of the enemy foreign

FK em all, FK em all
FK ALL white liberals
truly unholy
admitting aliens with e coli
FK their self - righteous piety
FK Nancy Pelosi
truly phony.


US ARMY: A German civilian successfully masquerading as a US Army legal clerk was caught after several months. Put in stockade, he started to salute mops. It turned out he wasn't a spy; he was simply nuts. Why did he impersonate a law clerk as opposed to an attorney?

More conventional was the case of a local father - son team who were impersonating a lawyer. In Bankruptcies and charged 2xs as much as the locally recognized expert in the field. An Asian//ENGL Asean woman impersonating a lawyer prepared phony divorce decrees.

Suffolk County NY hired a fake evidence examiner who claimed to have been trained at the Manchester branch of Scotland yard. I guess the County Executive never watched Basil Rathbone in Sherlock Holmes.

The New York City hospital system not to be undone hired a phony gynecologist who gave as his name as Dr Schwartz and his credentials former employment at a local private Hospital. The NYC Personnel Department called up the private hospital to inquire whether a Dr Schwartz was on staff. Satisfied with the answer that there were numerous Dr Schwartzs and Swartzs, NYC hired the imposter.

RAY GALLUCCI: incorrigibly rhymed


When Truman told MacArthur,
"You of duty I relieve,"
He couldn`t have gone farther
North Korea to reprieve.

For bombing, then, Red China
Would have backed it on its heels,
Korea reunited,
And spared future from "Kim-il`s."

And, just like Ike before him
Who "Old Blood and Guts" restrained,
‘Twas Soviet decorum
Truman timidly maintained.

Had he unfettered Patton
Or MacArthur when he could,
Might Truman then have flattened
Communism where it stood?

When generals say, "Let`s finish
What we started," best to heed,
Lest Presidents diminish
What`s been gained when they concede.


Hiding behind legality
Truly distorts reality
Leaving just immorality
When there is no excuse.

Claiming deniability
Plausible takes civility
Past all believability
Into the realm of ruse.

Clinging onto rigidity
Only to sate cupidity
Sours into acidity -
Aftertaste of abuse.


(Based on the movie "Bitter Harvest" about Stalin`s starving of the Ukraine in 1932-33, known as the Holodomor)

If judged by the numbers, then Stalin was king –
He killed tens of millions and felt not a thing.
He starved out the Ukraine by stealing its food
And nearly for sixty years world never knew.

Perhaps the worst pogrom that he conjured up.
Sadistic brutality all covered up.
Not only possessions, but also the land
He stole, and resistors would shoot where they stand.

Though Hitler slew millions, still Stalin killed more –
Perhaps he surpassed him in Holodomor.
If Dante`s Inferno might truly exist,
Then Stalin, not Hitler, tops Lucifer`s list.


(“Global Warming: Good for Big Whales,” Adam Popescu, Washington Post, August 23, 2015, pp. E1-E2)

Bowhead whales are getting fat.
Global warming’s causing that
As retreating Arctic ice
Renders habitat quite nice.

Farther than before they roam.
Oceans wider now their home.
Maybe better they will be
Earth’s caretakers than have we.


‘Tis better to do what`s right
Or knuckle beneath what`s rote?
If precedence deemed the rite
Dare none challenge what they wrote!

For equity matters not
When letter, not spirit, rules.
So if a bad deal you got,
Just climb aboard ship of fools.

Injustice must be preserved
If justice would deviate
From recipe always served
With never a change of plate.

Same answer you always hear – "`$#!7` happens; you`re not the first
We`ve cheated. So sorry we`re,
But not our balloon that burst."

The message to take away?
"We really don`t give a damn
For anything you might say
So long as we won the scam."


THE CHAIR: The Society will come to order. Greetings fellow Fullosians on the occasion of The Dean's Speech which will keynote the Society's work in the upcoming Fullosophical year which begins next spring with the vernal equinox. The Dean's speech is rendered shortly after the Solstice in anticipation of the Society's Fullosophical studies beginning at the Equinox. The Society, having abandoned the civic, political and religious holidays of the secular state, observes the equinoxes and the solstices as its natural markers of time. Salve Fullosia!

The Mentor: Point of Order, Lord Chair, I had requested time to address the Society.

THE CHAIR: It does seem unavoidable Mentor.

The Mentor: I wish to call to the attention of The Society that through Mentorials published in Fullosia Press, an old friend from High School was able to connect with me.

THE CHAIR: Thank you for the complement Lord Mentor. I'm sure the Dean is glad that through the good offices of Fullosia Press, the Mentor has ben contacted by former classmates. Now, if I could proceed with the festivities of the evening: The Dean's Speech.

The Mentor: I have not concluded, Lord Chair.

THE CHAIR: Mentor pray be brief.

The Mentor: Lord Chair, I must indeed protest the Dean's decision not to discuss political views with the Mentor and his refusal to include the Mentor's political views when the Dean strings isolated Mentorial audiogrammes into a coherent Mentorial for publication in Fullosia Press.

THE CHAIR: You are free to write your own material for your Mentorial instead of relying on the Dean to collect disjoined and often wordy, lengthy and duplicative audiogrammes and polish Mentor's oratory renditions into a readable Mentorial.

The Mentor: But Lord Chair, what of the Society's longstanding policy of being an open forum? Has the Dean discarded it?


The Dean: To avoid unnecessary conflict and to avoid giving insult, I have declined to discuss politics including the current Roman pontiff with the Mentor and others of his mindset. In addition, while Fullosia Press remains open to all viewpoints, the Dean will not for reasons stated, avoiding strife and insultation, assist the mentor propagating leftist propaganda.

THE CHAIR: The Society has always stopped short of labelling the Mentor one of those people the Government hires to spread propaganda.

The Dean: Notwithstanding, it is my belief that the poles are so far apart that only a civil war can resolve the abyss that has grown. There is no reason to give personal affront.

THE CHAIR: I believe at this point we are getting into the subject matter of the Dean's speech. Dean, you may proceed.

The Mentor: But Lord Chair I do wish to address other matters: health, nutrition, natural medicine and other matters I like to speak of. I had thought the Dean was interested in the same. I come to learn he regards Natural Medicine as blither recommending to me THE ROAD TO WELLVILLE, a puerile comedy making light of the theories of Dr John Kellogg.

THE CHAIR: Dr Kellogg had unusual uses of Corn Flakes, on a level with Bubba Bill's non - cancerous uses of cigars. The Dean has recommended that the Mentor study Natural Medicine. Perhaps you should follow his recommendation. As you have resisted his proposal, I believe you can bring a mentor to knowledge but can't make him learn. Dean you may proceed.

The Mentor: But Lord Chair, I had done intensive research into the influence of the Second Great Awakening on American Health and Medicine that influenced many protestant denominations, 7th day Adventists, The Mormons, and the Jehovah Witnesses. In Dr Kellogg case, his association with the 7th day Adventists inspired much of his theories.

THE CHAIR: Mentor, American Medicine of Dr Kellogg's era, the Victorian age, was decidedly unscientific perhaps so infected with Victorian prudishness, faith healing, and Patent Medicine hucksterism that US medicine fell below the level of Shamanism.

The Mentor: But Lord Chair, I have read Dr Kellogg's writings. His knowledge of anatomy was thorough. If his use of unusual procedures such as the coffee enema was bizarre and probably of no value, the procedures were not harmful. But to make a joke of him and his theories is sacrilegious. Why couldn't his estate sue the producers for libel?

THE CHAIR: After consulting with the Society's legal advisor, I am informed that a deceased person has no interest in his good name. Is there anything else?

The Mentor: As I understand the story line of THE ROAD TO WELLVILLE, the main character attempts to steal Dr Kellogg's ideas for making breakfast cereals in collaboration with Dr Kellogg's cousin. In fact, Kellogg's ideas were stolen closer to home by Dr Kellogg's own brother who added sugar to the product to make it more palatable though less salubrious and by a patient who created a rival company.

THE CHAIR: I cannot account why a writer alters the truth for reasons of presenting a dramatic theme or simplifying the narrative. It is beyond the subject of the discussion except to refer the Mentor to the Society's own teachings the profit principle. Various of Dr Kellogg's procedures particularly the enemas administered to the small elite who could afford a stay in Dr Kellogg's spa and who should have known better present humorous aspects. Dean, perhaps you could comment.

The Dean: And the world goes round and round. In a sense, the more recent story about the foreign oncologist who was building a castle in Lebanon upon profits made by treating cancer - free patients, over - prescribing toxic drugs and over - billing Medicaid and Medicare. The doctor had a survival rate that was enviable, because he was making patients sick who came to him healthy. For a cut, local Doctors, according to American Greed, simply extended sweaty palms to receive a forwarding fee for referring their relatives to the foreign charlatan. After all the people damaged by this foreign trash have gone, aspects of the story might be humorous: the credulous of people dealing with doctors, the codling of foreignors, their unwarranted advancement to high places, the wiliness of irascible, thieving foreign doctors, the abysmal corruption of the US medical establishment and the unwillingness of the US government to enforce the law until someone important gets hurt.

The Mentor: But Lord Chair, White Americans have been guilty of fraud. I would like to point out that an American doctor who has written a book outlining the problems in US medicine controlled by the power of the purse of the insurers which negotiate rates so low that doctors must impose exorbitant rates on private patients himself will not see private paying patients without charging an excessive fee and providing extensive documentation of identity. He has even written a book on this subject.

THE CHAIR: You have described white liberal hypocrisy, Mentor.

The Mentor: But Lord Chair, I wish to return to the days when you could simply go down the street and pick a doctor without all this unnecessary intrusion into your private life.

THE CHAIR: The Dean, did you wish to add something here.

The Dean: The Mentor supports all the social welfare legislation that mandates the careful examination of a patient's bona fides. The doctor of today must be concerned that a person such as our mentor is working undercover for some agency to see, if the doctor is complying with the myriad of regulations concerning record keeping and billing. The doctor - patient relationship is anything but private today. The Mentor's problem is that he isn't high enough on the Totem pole to be exempt from what he regards as an indignity of the welfare state he espouses.

The Mentor: But Lord Chair, I can look into the hole from which my Totem pole was hewn.

THE CHAIR: Dean, I think you are starting to get into the substance of the Dean's presentation. Dean do you have a comment?

The Dean: The Mentor defines himself by his own standards, truly a mark of individualism, something this Society promotes. However, the social welfare programmes the Mentor espouses define people in relationship to each other. Thus, the Mentor, though he might like to think otherwise, is thrown in with others who have no rights that the government is willing to recognize.

THE CHAIR: Let me close this excessive introduction with my remarks on the foreign problem. The foreign problem is different from any problem we have with other Americans. A foreignor, particularly an Arab or other Islamic is not an American and can never be an American. They are inherently untrustworthy. Mentor, I've indulged you long enough. Now we can hear from the Dean.

The Dean: Greetings Lord President, Lord Chair, our Lord Mentor, distinguished Gentlemen and Members of the Society, the Society lies at the intersection of the universal and the empty set. Today as the country careens toward a civil war, we note that the division between real Americans and Democrats is far greater than that which occasioned the rift of April 1861 and April 1775. In both prior collisions of different world views, there was a commonality that is simply lacking today. In 1861, most Americans North and South agreed on most things. Hotheads in both camps pushed people in two different directions. Similarly, in 1775, Americans and the British shared a common belief system. Miscalculations led differences into a violent breach. Today there are no common beliefs, no common interests, no points of contact, a total separation. And the breach starts at right "in the beginning" in Genesis chapter 5 v 2: "He created them male and female, and He blessed them and named them Man in the day when they were created." The Bible which Christians accept as the revealed word of God says that there are two genders. On the left, there are many genders, as many as 30, maybe more.

The Mentor: Lord Chair, point of order. 30 breaks down into three prime numbers, 2, 3 and 5. Thus shouldn't the Dean accuse the left of having 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or some other exponential value of 2 so that we could preserve the pair bond?

THE CHAIR: Out of order, Mentor. Dean, proceed.

The Dean: If we are willing to abolish the concept of joining man and woman, why would a pair bond be preserved?

The Mentor: But that is a separate issue entirely.

THE CHAIR: Out of order Mentor. The Dean has the floor. If you have a point of order, you must address the Chair.

The Dean: If the concept, the first point of contention between right and left, that a pair bond is between a man and woman must be overthrown, then why need a bond be limited to two persons? If the left is reconstructing the sexes, why would it be necessary that a bond be forged along an exponential factor of two.

Assuming that the left has identified 30 genders, could not a bond extend beyond two persons to three, four or even five? In such a system we could have one binary grouping, along with a triad or troika and a pentamorpho.

If it is not as written in Holy Writ, then there is no necessary requirement of a pair as opposed to a triad or pentagonical relationship. Did not this Society conceive this very concept if not in jest in the days of the Bush? In such times, with the special relationship between the Bush and Tony Blair, the society recommended that they wed even though both were also married to women. We could have celebrated a new entity, a line marriage incorporating Adam and Steve along with Eve and Evita into a quadrieme!

The matters of respect, for the country, the flag, the language, the American people, the American motherland, and the heritage pale in comparison. With the vicious assault on the monuments throughout the Southland, we see the left has no respect for any of it. The White Liberal is obviously unfit to stand in the shadow of any statue Confederate or Unionist. The White Liberals lack the strength and the courage of conviction to pull the weeds from the bases of these memorials.

Yet, the White Liberal is on a collision course with self - destruction. They are coddling a vicious and alien presence, revanchist in outlook, one which rarely forgives never forgets and always gets even, one with a long memory and of far greater intelligence and learning than many an American especially a White Liberal who seems to have forgotten which side these people were on in World War II. As much as a thinking American should be concerned about the very presence of these acknowledged enemies, never doubt the enemy's personal courage and determination. The simplistic and self - indulgent US left has forgotten it has 70 years of bombing, bloodshed, invasions and manipulations in the Moyen Est to pay for. The US may forget all that; their enemy has not. What stands between the White Liberal and the 'Long Black Train' ride to oblivion is the man the White Liberal hates the most Donald Trump.

And in that regard please bear in mind these newly found friends of the White Liberal once aligned in World War II with the enemies of freedom.

The question is what should we do? Will we wave good bye when the White Liberal finally realizes there is no gay marriage in Sharia Law or simply look the other way?

It is on that note, I thank you for your attention.

Salve Fullosia!

THE CHAIR: That conclude the Dean's speech. The Society shall rise until it is next called into session.

David Lawrence: BOOK OF AWESOME

On White Liberals

David Lawrence:The Dems have levitated into the confusion of clouds. White liberals are phonies. They`re so afraid of the truth that they fool themselves. Liberals against Islamophobia are brainless bigots. They`re volunteering for the ovens. The left isn't right; it`s stubborn in its stupidity and an offence to intelligence. LIBERALS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE IN BEAUTY.

David Lawrence:Liberal Dems and Farrakhan are all anti – Semites who pretend they're Jesus Christ.

On THE BARE FACTS: Democratic Divas Baring All for their cause: to 'grab them by the ballot'

David Lawrence: They'd be better off displaying their petty souls.

David Lawrence: White Liberals are evil wearing the masks of good. Justice would be swatting ten white liberals.

On white liberal collegians traumatized by the Confederate Flag:

David Lawrence: Grow up.

On Prison Terms for Cowardly White Liberal Politicians

David Lawrence: Then, politicians will want prison reform to get out early.

On the British Labourite MP who called for Israel to disarm because it will not allow Hamas terrorists to invade Israel and kill Jews

David Lawrence: The British Left always hated Jews.

On white Liberals and climate change

David Lawrence: Climate change is inane.

On the liberal professor who played accidentally a raunchy pornographic video during a college class

David Lawrence: well professors suck.

On White Liberals and Islam

David Lawrence: The Islamics kill women and gays. Yet the white liberals don't want to be Islamophobic.

David Lawrence:Liberals don't understand why they support Isis. Idiots delight in being bigoted idiots. Religion can be a tool for torture. Moslems are the pain.


On the City of Minneapolis` Sharia Hotline to report Americans critical of Islam

David Lawrence:Islam is its own criticism. Our criticism would be redundant. Muslims conquer themselves by making the world hate them.

On the Islamic who sexually assaulted 24 American women spared Jail because he no speaka de English

David Lawrence: he should be raped by 24 goats.

On the Muslim refugee who'd rather die than get a job and adopt European culture:

David Lawrence: So why doesn't he kill himself?

On the Egyptian professor who says Muslim men can marry baby girls in their mother's womb:

David Lawrence: Disgusting

On Hamas` threat to execute any local Christians who celebrate Christmas in Gaza:

David Lawrence: It goes on and on.

On the Hamas chieftain Muhammad Hemada Walid al – Quqa who accidentally blew himself up

David Lawrence: Explosion for explosive ideas.

On the Muslim Doctor who vowed to purposely give Jews the wrong `meds`

David Lawrence: Why not? You are giving them the wrong doctor.

On multi – genderism

David Lawrence: You're one or the other.

On Joe Biden

David Lawrence: Biden reminds me of some of the morons I used to meet at country clubs.

On Holy Hillery

David Lawrence:No man with clear vision would let Hillery ….

David Lawrence:Truth is not in Hillary's vocabulary. Anyone who supported her supported lies. She is the tombstone of democracy.

David Lawrence: We call her Hillary Whitey Bulger. I was in jail with some of Bulger's gang. They were nicer than bitchy Hillary. Hillary is such a monster that she belongs in a comic book with her Dem friends.

On Nancy Pelosi`s comment that layoffs are good for workers

David Lawrence: Jerk. Why do the criminally insane get to dictate policy?

On Senator Kamela Harris calling for killing Trump,

David Lawrence: Harris is colluding in murder and revolution. She should be tried in the courts.

On Senator Elizabeth Warren

David Lawrence: Pocahontas should scalp herself for shame. I don`t even think a girl would kiss her.

David Lawrence: Broken Sparrow! She's the turkey.

On President Obama`s urging repeal of freedom:

David Lawrence: Obama was a phony ass who jacked us. He is a community organizer with a disorganized brain.

David Lawrence: He screwed the country and masculine looking women and males in Chicago. He looked so proper in his improprieties.

David Lawrence: A traitor is a traitor was our President Obama.

On Obama`s endorsement of a Palestinian terrorist for Congress

David Lawrence: Obama is so disgusting he is beneath criticizing.

On Democratic Headquarters staff who threw bricks through its own windows to hold press conferences criticizing President Trump,

David Lawrence: What's the Obama slob implying?

On the brutal killing of a 16-Year-Old Girl by Illegal Alien in a Sanctuary State and the official comment that "you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs."

David Lawrence: Disgusting. To the cowardly white liberals, crimes committed by dreamers are an anomaly. True dreamers in search of freedom don't exist. They are the products of sick liberal minds. Deport them? Why not try decapitation instead? Or set them loose on their liberal fans. Building the wall is like putting a destructive fire out. Give the dreamer some white liberal females. Maybe he'll like it. Maybe she'll enjoy it too.

David Lawrence: Irrational monsters deserve irrational deportation.

David Lawrence: Maybe liberals should take away the dreamer`s guns and shoot them in their asses.

David Lawrence: Foreigners have foreign values and shouldn't be here.

On the Dreamer who killed a cop:

David Lawrence: They killed the cp without a trial. Why not just do unto them?

On California`s decision to house dreamers while homeless Americans sleep in parking lots

David Lawrence: You'd think Californians would be humble.

On UC Berkeley` proposal to erase Jews from Israel and to destroy the Jewish State:

David Lawrence: I'd like to level Berkeley, a land of morons.

On the man who pled guilty to sending white powder to Trump`s sons:

David Lawrence: He should take a laxative to lose his fat.

On Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who thought she could live in the House of Representatives because she couldn`t afford Washington housing.

David Lawrence: Communism makes shit of everything. Communism makes us homeless. She should enjoy it. Her soul is as ugly as her face is cute. Why do small brains rattle so loud? Perhaps it's the empty space in her head.

On Ocasio - Cortez` proposal to raise tax rates to the "tippy tops" were set at 70 percent:

David Lawrence: That's because she's a dick head.

On Bernie Sanders who spent $297,000 on private jet travel to take him on a nine states tour in ONE MONTH:

David Lawrence: He is telling us to be poor while he is rich.

David Lawrence: Progressive? He progresses the failure of our society for his stupid socialism.

On Lisa Jones, a self-proclaimed communist, who argues for a 2% white privilege tax and a 1% male privilege tax:

David Lawrence: There should be an ugly tax on her.

On Moslem convert, Sinead O`Connor who no longer wants to be around any white people.

David Lawrence: That moron Sinead an antagonist against reality who needs to bless her stupidity. Is her stupidity greater than her anger?

On himself:

David Lawrence: I was once young. Today, at my age I'm only interested in myself. I am emotionally young in that I am self-absorbed. My dead dog is still part of my family.


Twelve poems for the Trump Era based on famous Christmas songs, one for each day of Trump-Mas

(To the chorus of "Jingle Bells")

Donald Trump, Donald Trump,
Emperor supreme,
That`s what he purports to be
While concocts his latest scheme.

Hillary, Hillary,
Bitter to the end,
"I was robbed; deserved the job.
I`ll be running once again."

(To "O Christmas Tree")

O Hillary, O Hillary,
How could you lose to Donald?
He certainly could never be
Another Reagan Ronald.

You thought you were invincible,
But proved quite inconvincible.
O Hillary, O Hillary,
When will you get it right?

(To "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen")

God rest ye, saddest Hillary,
We know of your dismay.
For Vladimir and Donald skunked you
On Election Day
To save us all from email scandal,
So that`s what they say.

Too bad that you were not born a boy,
Then you`d enjoy
Lack of sexism that they all employ.

(To "O Come All Ye Faithful" [sung by Donald Trump])

"O come all ye hopeful
Immigrants abundant.
O come ye to see me in Washington.
But please remember
Wall to first ascend you`re.

And should you make it over,
Patrolmen in Range Rovers
Will tell you ‘Border`s closed, sir.
You`re trip`s at an end.`"

(To "O Little Town of Bethlehem")

O little town of Washington
Where politicians lie,
Where homeless sleep out on the street
While bureaucrats stroll by.

But in the White House liveth
The latest charlatan. Our deepest fears – in two more years
Elect a boob again.

(To "We Wish You a Merry Christmas")

We wish you a new election
With much better a selection,
Devoid of such imperfection
As in twenty-sixteen.

We`re hoping for you,
All states red and blue,
Acceptable are the two
You`ll be choosing between.

(To "Silent Night")

Donald Trump, Forrest Gump.
One`s for real; one`s made up.
One imagines himself as king.
Other`s good at most everything.
Too bad first was elected;
Should have second selected.

(To "Joy to the World")

Woe be to you, the Democrats.
Now Donald is your king.
You let him get elected
When nominee selected
Was far from the ideal,
With limited appeal.
Can next time around be you election steal?

(To "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing")

Hark, triumphant Donald crows,
"Every whim of mine now goes.
Greatness to us all I bring.
Bow to me, for I am king.

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